Are you looking to get trained by the best, so you can reach new levels of health and fitness?

I am Jason Brown. I have spent the last 20 years of my professional life focused on helping human beings become the fittest, strongest, and healthiest versions of themselves. 

Currently, I work with only a handful of high performers who demand the best of themselves and want expert level guidance on how to train their bodies more intelligently, to improve physique, have high levels of energy both inside and outside of the gym, get stronger than they’ve ever been, and get extremely well-conditioned.

If that sounds like you, please keep reading.

Why I don’t work with beginners


The internet is full of coaches offering 1 on 1 fitness coaching services for $200-400/month, which are great at helping beginners with little experience with strength training get into shape.

I do not do that. I specialize in working with individuals that have 'been there & done that' and need an elite experience to take them to the next level.

I charge a premium and I work only with people who have 10+ years of experience training, have explored different training methods, and are looking to get themselves to the next level and want guidance from someone who has a track record of getting high performers better results than they’ve ever had before.

This is what I specialize in doing for my 1 on 1 clients and I charge a premium. If you're not ready to invest in getting the best results of your life right now, please do not apply.

How I know I can get you results

Over the last 20 years, I have:

  • Started and operated (and later sold) a strength and conditioning facility that helped thousands of individuals get results
  • Started and operated an online programming company, where I programmed for over 200 gyms around the world, which had an average of 200 members per gym. This means 40,000 people every day went through my programming. I know how my methodology plays out on a large scale (as a coach or trainer, to have feedback from 40,000 people doing your training simultaneously by the age of 35 is unheard of)
  • Authored Lower Body Training: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Size, Strength, and Athletic Performance which was published by one of the largest Strength and Conditioning publishers on the planet
  • Educated thousands of personal trainers and coaches on my Conjugate X Conditioning methodology
  • Helped 10,000+ adults with my online training programs
  • Coached many high performing human beings to new strength, physique, and performance goals

My Methodology and Philosophy


We get one body in our lifetime, and it’s our responsibility to keep it healthy and train it intelligently. I have dedicated my life to finding the best way to do this.

I trained CrossFit for many years, owned a CrossFit gym, and wrote the programming for 200+ functional fitness and CrossFit gyms. You learn a lot when you have that many people doing your programming simultaneously, and you get to see the results on a large scale.

What I discovered was if you combine a certain style of strength training with a certain type of conditioning, you can dramatically increase energy levels, body composition, and physical output (as well as just feel better overall). It comes down to how you are dosing the elements of your programming.

I have applied this style of programming to 40,000 people
at the gyms I was programming for, and the results speak for themselves.

Many of these were CrossFit athletes, and they (and myself) performed better in the CrossFit Open, and in other competitions, using this combination of strength training and aerobic conditioning, than we ever had before. And we felt way better and had way more energy, whereas before we felt burnt out with a lot of achy and painful joints. 

The most interesting part was we were not training high intensity workouts and crushing ourselves 6 days a week, yet we had all of these improvements..

What we were doing (and how I now structure my programming), was a combination of Conjugate strength training methods and aerobic conditioning methods done at particular intensities, with particular exercises.

(If you are not familiar with the Conjugate system, it is a soviet-based system for strength training and was popularized in the USA by Louise Simmons, and is the most proven system to build human strength)

Recent research (I learned this when getting my master’s degree in exercise science) suggests that when trying to perform both strength & conditioning modalities in the same week there is a fine line between the optimal and suboptimal dose of conditioning (this is where many programs go wrong trying to burn the candle at both ends so to speak and not recognizing the fact that there is a point of diminishing returns.)

Other studies, and real world results, show us that performing aerobic conditioning at certain intensities allows for increased capillary density in tissue and aides in recovery from high intensity sessions

This means that if you correctly dose Conjugate methods with aerobic conditioning methods, you get an upward spiral of improvement. They compliment and enhance each other. But this has to be dosed correctly otherwise you can easily burnout and overtrain.

I cannot tell you how many burned out clients I have switched to my style of programming and seen them fall back in love with training again and get better results than they have ever had.


But you really have to program in a particular way to do this. 

I call my system for combining these methodologies Conjugate X Conditioning (CXC) and it forms the basis for the majority of the programs I write, whether for myself, for the programs I write and sell on my website, and for my 1:1 clients.

This method is optimized for training sustainability for everyday athletes…for professional adults who have careers and families and want to be in great shape, have high energy levels, and don’t have time to be hurt and burned out.

Disclaimer: When working with me 1:1, your program will be 100% custom written to YOU so while the CXC Method is an incredible method of concurrent training, it's NOT a one-size-fits-all and there are ALWAYS exceptions to the 'rules.'

When we work together, I will tailor your program  exactly to your needs, your training history, and the results you want.

Some of my 1:1 Clients’ Results

Results are king, and I’d like to share with you a few before and after photos from a handful of clients (I have hundreds and hundreds of these, but selected just a few to keep this relatively brief):


I guarantee your Results

My clients demand the best. I deliver. 


As I mentioned above, I have now helped 10s of thousands of human beings reach new levels of health and fitness, and sustain or improve those levels year after year


Burning yourself out or getting a joint injury does not lead to results. 


If you do not know, or work with someone who does not know, how to properly train strength and conditioning together, you may get temporary results, but ultimately may end up burning out, not enjoy your training, or get an overuse injury.


Programming and coaching for someone who wants real results is both an art and a science. It takes skill, knowledge, and experience, which I have. That is why I guarantee you results or your money back.

I work 1:1 in a Limited Capacity for those Who Want To Work With An Elite Coach

I work with a small number of individual clients based on my availability.

I have many other pieces to my online fitness business (I educate coaches around the world on programming, I design and sell individual programs, and I have a large programming subscription for those who prefer to train on their own).

However, nothing is as powerful and effective as custom coaching and working directly together on an individual basis, and I keep availability open for people who:

  • Are 40+ years of age
  • Want high-level custom coaching and programming
  • Are high performers in other areas of their life
  • Have tried multiple types of training and are looking to get themselves to the next level
  • Are willing to do the work

Please note, I do not always have space for new 1:1 clients.
I currently have a limited number of openings, and 
once those spots are gone, they’re gone.

If you are serious about getting started, please apply below ASAP as I do not make exceptions and do not exceed my capacity.

How Much Does it Cost to Work Together?

Working with me may be the most expensive fitness coaching you have done. 

This is because I get high-performers results and have the track record to prove it.

The exact pricing ranges from $550 - $750 per month depending on the options you chose and length of commitment.

After your application has been reviewed and accepted, we will discuss the exact options and commitment length during your call.

How to Get Started

If you are ready to get going, the next step is to add your name to my waitlist.


After I receive your submission, I will personally reach out to learn about your goals, discuss your goals, and training history, and dive deeper into what makes you tick. I will personally email you 24 hours after receiving your registration.

 If after the call we both agree it is a good fit, we will begin the onboarding process.

 If you are serious about getting results and committed to consistently training and improving your body and your life, click the apply here button below. 



How the Onboarding Process Works

If we decide to work together, you will go through my onboarding process, which includes:

  • Lifestyle information questionnaire
  • Training history questionnaire
  • Injury history questionnaire
  • Foundational Movement Assessments
  • Foundational Conditioning Assessments

It is only after going through the onboarding process that I am able to write your personalized training.

I am currently accepting new clients!

How the Training and Coaching Works

After I review your unboarding materials, I will send you a personalized video that covers all of my findings and begin writing your first custom 4-week block of programming

I will then deliver the first 4-week block of programming to you, including a video with explanations + expectations

At the end of each week, I’ll send you a video reviewing all of your movement videos, providing custom feedback and suggestions on form and technique

All our training is done through my App, and you can message me in the app with questions. You will also have my personal cell phone # to use as needed

After the initial 4 weeks, we will review your progress and I will deliver your next custom 4-week block of training and we will continue the process as listed in the above steps

I am currently accepting new clients

Want to train with me but this is out of your price range?

This is a great program to start with to build strength and improve conditioning.

EVOLV Full-Body Athlete

Stay Strong and Well-Conditioned,

Jason Brown, MS, CSCS

Founder of JasonBrownCoaching
Author of Lower Body Training
Creator of the Conjugate X Conditioning Method