E-WOD Issue #12

May 31, 2024

Issue 12


A Convo With A Coaching Legend, Conditioning For The Bike, Thoughts Are Energy, and Home Gym 3X Training


Welcome to this week’s E-WOD!

Two Quick Announcements:

1. Our brand new training subscription Home Gym 3X is live today and we're expecting this to be one of our most popular training options! This is a 3-days per week ONLY training subscription optimized for those who train from home. No crazy equipment needed, it's an intermediate+ training level, and the three full body sessions will cover all your bases to keep you in excellent shape: athleticism, strength, and body composition. Details in Coaches Notes. 

2. We have a brand new two-fer deal with two brand new products available today! This bundle comes with a 4-week Home Gym Essentials PDF training program and 6-12-25 Full Body Templates. Read about them here! 


In today's issue we’re covering:


  • The best podcast I’d recorded to date 🎙️

  • Air Bike Conditioning 🚲

  • The energy of your thoughts 💬

  • Brand new training subscription is LIVE 🤩


Last day of May and only 20 days until summer!! LFG! 


Let’s dive in!


x x x




By Jason Brown

If you’re not familiar with Luka Hocevar, I hope you get to know a bit about him after today.


Luka runs a multi-million-dollar operation with two brick and mortar facilities: one in Slovenia and one in Seattle, a huge podcast, and almost 400,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel.


We recently got together to record our second podcast and man I swear we could talk for hours and hours on end about programming and coaching. He is a salt of the earth, ultra-authentic, no BS kind of guy that people are drawn to.

October 10-12, Luka and I are doing a 3-hour in person programming seminar at Luka's 'The Vigor Ground Fitness & Business Summit 2024' in Renton, WA. This event is one of the largest of the year for fitness professionals and this will be my first year presenting.

I am jazzed about this one! More details to come. 


"Episode 172 of the Vigor Life Podcast is titled “EP 172: Program Design To Be Fit, Strong, Lean & Pain Free In Your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s with Jason Brown." If you’ve been training for some time or are interested in learning how two strength and conditioning veterans have evolved training over the years, this is the episode for you.


Here’s some things you’ll learn:


  • How goals change over the decades when it comes to what clients want to achieve and how programming should reflect that

  • What we prioritize in any program from 30+ (this is a weak link for most)

  • Why conditioning is misunderstood and how it can improve EVERY aspect of performance

  • When high intensity/lower volume make sense and why people 30+ mess up their programs and don’t get results

  • The big question whether you should be sore after sessions, and if so, when?

  • The 2 and 2 template for strength and conditioning when you have a lot of stress in your life

  • Why I don’t like using bands or chains anymore and what I focused more on

  • Why some of Luka’s personal program phases last 6-8 weeks (of the same training) and the results he gets from this approach

  • Why most “influencer” programs will break you (as they don’t understand the human body or have experience training clients)

  • Why maximal effort straight barbell lifting is a NO GO in your 40’s and 50’s

  • Luka’s 2-1-0 model of leaving reps in the tank and my thoughts of training to failure

  • Our thoughts on de-load training and my breakdown of when de-loads make sense and when they don’t (and what a de-load even means)

  • Why we love kettlebell training and how we use them for strength and for conditioning.


Listen to the full episode here ⇩

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By Jason Brown

In 2015 I was a CrossFit affiliate gym owner that was strong as an ox but had a lot to be desired with my conditioning.


I could lift a lot of weight, I could do “Fran” in under 2 minutes, but long-distance aerobic type work crushed me.


I knew I was missing something and needed to find the answer.


A friend of mine and fellow affiliate owner in the area who had insanely well-conditioned athletes told me to buy a book called Ultimate MMA Conditioning by Joel Jamieson. He had been using the methods in that book to train his athletes which funny enough, they couldn’t touch my team’s strength numbers-- but they destroyed us in workouts.


I wondered what the heck he was feeding them.


I started using the methods in the book, right around that time we ended up selling our gym.


Six months of using zone 2 conditioning work as prescribed in the book-- and zero CrossFit, mind you-- I decided to hop into the CrossFit Open that year ‘just for fun.’ I placed highest I had ever placed in any of the 10 previous Opens I competed in.


Aerobic conditioning is the key to unlock all the gains you’ve been seeking.


Steal these three different conditioning methods to make better gains ⇩




By Dani Brown

Do thoughts matter?


This experiment demonstrates how our thoughts have an energetic frequency to them, therefore affecting everything around us.


Everything. 24/7/365. 


It’s been replicated thousands of times on YouTube and the results are always the same.


It’s also been shown to work exactly the same with houseplants.


Over the summer we’ll be doing this experiment with the kids in order to demonstrate to them how powerful their minds are and that truly, thoughts are things.


I share this because it’s not just a kid's exercise.


The way we speak to ourselves, the thoughts we have about others…they matter.


Quite a bit more than we’ve ever been taught.

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“Know that you have complete control over what you put in your mouth. No one ever ate anything by accident.”


- Charles Poliquin






Home Gym 3X is our 3 day per week Home Gym training plan to give you an abbreviated training schedule that does NOT skimp on results!!


You can learn more about HG3X and join here ==> https://marketplace.trainheroic.com/workout-plan/team/home-gym-3x?attrib=549825-web



As always, thank you for reading this week’s issue of E-WOD!

See you next week and remember, results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩