E-WOD Issue #7

Apr 26, 2024

Issue 7 

Superhero Prep, Full Day of Eating, Tick Protocol and 55 Days to New You


Welcome to this week's E-WOD! This week we're covering: 


  •  How to become your best YOU in 55 days 🫵
  • Jake Gyllenhall prepped for his latest movie (and got f*cking RIPPED) 💪
  • A full day of current meals 🥩🥭
  • A natural protocol for ticks that won't destroy your gut 🦠


As we started to put this newsletter together I almost fell off my chair realizing this is the final email to go out in April...YIKES.


With exactly 55 days until the start of summer, how are you using your time?

...55 days is PLENTY to make massive gains.

If you've spent the last few summers wishing you had put more work into looking and feeling amazing, let's make sure summer '24 is not a repeat. 


Here's how:
1. Strength train 2-4x per week
2. Zone 2 cardio 60-120 minutes per week
3. Walk 10k+ every single day, outside when possible
4. Ditch alcohol and plain water; hydrate by adding electrolytes to your water
5. Set a reverse alarm and get to bed at a decent time
6. Ground with bare feet for 10-20 minutes daily
7. Do not complain
8. Eat ultra nutrient dense food
9. Bonus: set a 5 minute timer and each day write down 3 things you are grateful for and 3 things you're excited about

You'd be shocked at the changes you can make if you actually do these for 55 consecutive days. 

Now, let's dive in!

x x x




By Jason Brown

Jake Gyllenhall got absolutely shredded for his latest role in the movie Road House starring him and the legend himself Conor McGregor.


So naturally I was curious how he trained leading up to the film.

See my thoughts in this week's YouTube review:





By Jason Brown

Dani inspired me to try Carnivore with her a year or two ago and it took me a bit but I am LOVING it lately.

No bloat, no gas...just feeling great.

We do a ton of super high quality grass finished ground beef from White Oak Pastures which is expensive compared to grass fed brands you can get just about anywhere but the truth is the "grass fed" label on the beef in your supermarket is very misleading.

That label can be placed on traditional feed lot beef as long as the cows are fed alfalfa pellets for a few weeks.

Hardly truthful when the term grass fed sparks thoughts of happy cows grazing on wide open pastures.

So here's a typical day of eating for me:

6 oz grassfed/grass finished 90% beef
3 whole eggs (homegrown eggs from our ladies)

Lunch (2 hours before training)
8 oz grassfed/grass finished 90% beef
Pickles and lettuce on top for crunch
100 oz dry mango (or a combo of whatever other fruits I have, but I get about 100g carbs here)

Post Training
12 oz Raw Milk
3 tbsp honey
2 scoops grassfed whey

8 oz chicken breast or thigh
Sweet potato (or more fruit)

I notice eating this way I always feel fully satiated which is not an easy thing for my metabolism that runs like a freight train. 

Here's a great page to binge on to see if this style of eating resonates with you




By Jason Brown


Steal my most powerful principles...

After a decade and a half in the trenches, refining and honing my approach to fitness, I've come to a set of principles that guide every program I design.

These 4 things have become non-negotiables in my programming-- tested and proven across tens of thousands of athletes.

While I can and do design programs to meet a wide array of goals and needs, these guidelines are where I draw the line; it ensures my clients not only achieve their goals but do so in a way that's sustainable, balanced, and enjoyable.

I break them down here in the first part of two right here... ⇩





By Dani  Brown

Tick season is here for most of us reading this, and with a huge uptick (pun intended) in Lyme cases in the past couple of decades it seems everyone panics over the thought of a tick bite.

And when they happen doctors are so quick to prescribe antibiotics.

Not so fast doc.

We now know with certainty that antibiotics demolish the microbiome of our guts.

Gut dysbiosis has detrimental effects on the body and can worsen Lyme symptoms so I do everything and anything BEFORE going the antibiotic route with our family.

Homeopathy is my secret weapon to many ailments.

It operates under the principle that like cures like, or said another way, the cure is in the pain.

There are no known side effects whatsoever to homeopathy yet millions of stories of healing.

When it comes to ticks, we live on 13 acres with 8 of them wooded, and our kids and dogs are outside constantly. We are no strangers to ticks or tick bites.

>> Here is the protocol I've used for 3 years now with a 100% success rate (safe for humans and dogs).

The remedies linked in the above article and are always in our medicine cabinet:

Ledum Palustre

Arsenic Album

Lyme Nosode

We've used this dozens of times with our three kids and two dogs and fortunately even after a few bites that took more than 24 hours to find (🥲), we are Lyme free.

Hope this brings some peace of mind to someone! 





We are inching closer to moving our site and are tentatively about 2 weeks out. 

If you own a PDF training program, please download it just in case you cannot log in to retrieve it for a few days. 

You WILL be receiving emails once the move has been made to create a new login on the site so be on the lookout for those. When the new website is live, you will have a backend login option just as you do now, but we are taking an abundance of caution and just want to make sure you download training programs you are using currently. 

Moving to our new platform is going to allow us so many more options to serve you and we have huge plans for new communities and support groups that we can't wait to announce🥳



Over various platforms we've had an influx of "what program" questions this week.

So here's the deal!

We currently have three training subscriptions on TrainHeroic. Read below to find out what your best fit is...

⏳ Team EVOLV is our most popular program due to it's flexibility. With 3 strength training days that take less than 45 minutes to complete and 3 conditioning sessions, you have no excuse to get it done. Many of our athletes use the strength training in EVOLV and then do their own endurance work like running or hiking on the other days. Since EVOLV is full body, you can choose the sessions that work best for you and your schedule. Most loved by: parents, over 50+ athletes, and athletes with inconsistent schedules

⛓️ Team CXC is our most advanced program with an upper/lower split that focuses on both raw strength and dynamic effort to keep athleticism at it's peak. CXC is the ultiamte performance program, hands down. Using the Conjugate Method as it's base and precise energy systems development techniques, CXC will turn you into a gladiator on and off the field, whatever your field is. Six sessions of training ranging from 50-70 minutes in length, CXC requires a minimum of 5 training days. Most loved by: athletes, tactical athletes, those who enjoy competition

🏋️‍♀️ Team Rx Athlete combines Jason's extensive knowledge of CrossFit with his principles of Conjugate and energy systems. This is CrossFit done intelligently. In Rx Athlete you'll find 6 training sessions (WODs) per week: 3 strength training + metcon days and 3 conditioning days to turn you into a savage firebreather. Most loved by: CrossFitters. 


Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes and took last week's survey!

If you haven't taken that yet, there's still time so please do

Your responses were invaluable and gave us a ton of new ideas...we'll likely break down some of the more profound comments we got in a later issue of E-WOD which will be really fun.



x x x 

Thank you as always for reading.

See you next week and remember: results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩