E-WOD Issue #8

May 03, 2024

Issue 8

Using Chains, Training With Back Pain, CrossFit For Meatheads and Just for Sun


Welcome to this week's E-WOD!

This week we are covering:

  • How to properly use chains (& why and how) ⛓️
  • How to train through lower back pain 😓
  • A throwback article 📑
  • The biggest recovery event of the year ✨
  • And our approved sunblock list 🌤️

    At the time of writing this (Monday), we've officially hit 25,000 subscribers on YouTube, and I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to any of you that have supported my channel in any way at all.

    (*it's Thursday and we just hit 32k!)

    I've been investing in my YouTube channel quite a bit this year and I'm a better person for it lol- trying to keep up with Instagram and its ever-changing algorithm was causing Dani and I to age at an astronomical rate 🙃.

    Put simply, I love to educate, and IG just isn't the place for that anymore, so I made a decision to go all in on long form content.

    Judging by channel growth, it was a really good pivot.

    I'll always be on Instagram of course but the good stuff will be found on YT, so I hope to see you there! 



x x x




By Jason Brown

Chains are a training tool.

You don't need them, but they can amplify your training in so many ways.

But chains come with a lot of misconceptions as well as misuse, so I wanted to clear this one up once and for all.

Check out this week's video on How to Use Chains ⇩




By Jason Brown

A back injury is one of the scarier injuries to incur as it can completely derail the healthiest of athletes.

But it's not a death sentence.

In this week's podcast episode, I dive deep into strategies of how to train with lower back issues and tactics to make sure you're still making forward progress.


>> Listen Here: Episode 43 of the Strong AF x Well-Conditioned Show




By Jason Brown

A few years ago (I'm talking circa 2017!) I wrote an article for t-nation.com that went viral. 

To date it's certainly one of my most popular articles of all time. 

It's called CrossFit For Meatheads, and though the title suggests it, it's not just for CrossFitters or just for Meatheads.

If you're an experienced lifter that loves learning the science behind solid training or a coach, you'll love this one. 

Read "CrossFit for Meatheads"




By Dani Brown

Now that you know the Brown fam's thoughts on sun, sunscreen and sunglasses, you're probably wondering if we just send our babies out in the sun white as ghosts and use finger crossing as our method of not getting burned. 

Not at all. 

Typically, we start the summer out making sure limbs and faces are covered with hats and sun shirts. 

Then once they get a little color over a couple weeks (bc melanin = natural sun protection), I start trading cover ups for high quality sunscreen. 

You can find EWG's [Environmental Working Group] full list of approved sunscreen here

I just want to say that I cannot stress enough how much toxic SHIT is in 95% of the sunscreen you will find on the shelves of your local pharmacy, grocery store, target or the like.

If you don't believe me, click here, type your usual sunscreen in and see what rating it comes out with. Now that you have that information, you'll be thinking about it as long as you continue using it. You are welcome! :)  

After years of research I truly believe it's the chemicals and how they interfere with natural hormonal processes that actually causes illnesses and cancers - NOT the sun itself. 

If you care about your health, you'll throw those things in the trash quicker than JB eats a pile of warm chocolate chip cookies. 

And that's exactly why after about a month of our family being out in the sun and having good color, I really start to lighten up on the use of any sunscreen whatsoever. 

That means that my 5, 6 and 7 year olds- for the most part- wear absolutely nothing on their skin in the months of July and August, and they do. not. burn. 

Even though every camp counselor warns me week over week that they should bring in their sunscreen 🤡

My caveat is that if we are spending an elongated day at the beach or something, then yes, sunscreen goes on them halfway through the day. 

So, go tell everyone you care about to burn their Coppertone, Banana Boat and Hawaiian Tropic and trade it in for something that won't harm their bodies 😎

animals know :)



I’m excited to share that I am speaking as part of the 2024 Recovery & Sleep Summit. The 5th annual summit is one of the industry’s biggest and most anticipated events. It is the world’s largest sleep and recovery education event.

I’ll be joining 65+ other industry leaders offering one of the most expansive lists of topics covered for an event that you’ll find. The event will feature many industry CEUs (NSCA, NASM, pending)

The virtual summit will take May 3-5 and May 24-26, however you have the ability to purchase lifetime access to the recordings of all talks.

The recordings pass also includes access to the previous 4 years of the summit, totaling well over 200 talks! The recordings pass also includes access a special LIVE event in June.


You can purchase the lifetime access/VIP pass here: https://www.sleepcoachcourse.com/a/2147836817/LEj8oH4L



x x x 


Thank you as always for reading, and we'll leave you with this...

See you next week and remember: results are king

JB + DB 


PS - if you have a moment would you give us your opinion on E-WOD? There may be a free gift involved 😌⇩